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Nu Skin Sets Up Entrepreneurs with Digital Tools : Vera, My Site and Product Offer

Nu Skin Sets Up Entrepreneurs with Digital Tools : Vera, My Site  and  Product Offer



As a direct selling leader, Nu Skin first started with sales leaders sharing and recommending the company's beauty and wellness products face-to-face with customers. Today, with the abundance of social media platforms available, Nu Skin is empowering sales leaders to become "modern entrepreneurs" by allowing them to connect with customers using its latest digital platform, VERA (demonstrated in the video below), and other tools like My Site and Product Offer.


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Nu Skin Sets Up Entrepreneurs with Digital Tools

Nu Skin is helping to empower its sales leaders by connecting them with its latest digital platform and tools.





Say hello to VERA™ 👋 – a skin consultation tool that seeks to understand you and recommend products just for you. It's the power of Nu Skin's entire beauty portfolio right at your fingertips 👌!




My Site Training Video



Learn all about a new feature in the My NuSkin app, Product Offer. You can create product offers to easily share Nu Skin's products.



Sign Up For Nu Skin Business



Join & Sign Up Nu Skin!

Do you want to join & sign up Nu Skin? Just click the link of your country below. North America America  |  Canada  |  Mexicao Central & South America Argentina  |  Chile  |  Colombi..



Sign Up If You Live In Korea



How to sign up as a brand affiliate in Korea for foreigners?

Are you a foreigner living in Korea? You can sign up as a brand affiliate of Nu Skin only if you have F2, F4, F5, F6, D8, D9 visa. Please follow as below. 1. Go to https://www.nuskinkorea.co.kr/app..
